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Know your property is protected with our guarantees

Our 21-Day Leasing Guarantee

Just Give Us 21 Days
We'll lease your property with a quality resident—guaranteed.

HBR Rentals believes in our resident screening process and professional marketing property marketing strategies! We want you to believe in us, too. However, if we fail to rent your property in 21 days (or less), we reduce our leasing fees by 50% while we find the right resident for your property.

It's our 21-Day Leasing Guarantee! Standing by our work benefits property owners. It also boosts your bottom line. We reduce the risk for property owners to try our services while giving you our best. With our team working at peak performance, you experience peak results, too!

How Does It Work?

When we follow our expert strategy, property owners benefit from less downtime without a resident. You also get high-quality residents to start paying the rent—sooner rather than later!

However, if we can't find the ideal resident with a signed lease for your property within 21 days, we cut your leasing fees in half when our failure meets these conditions:

  • We set the rental price
  • The rental home must be vacant
  • The home must be otherwise ready for residents
  • The property owner must allow pets (maximum of two).

Property owners win either way! You have a quality resident ready to pay the rent, or we keep working for you at 50% of our leasing fees.

Don't worry: we won't place an unqualified resident to ensure we don't exceed 21 days!

At HBR Rentals, we always follow our strict screening process—every time. We won't skip any critical screening elements, including a background check, criminal history, employment and income verification, and a pet screening. That's part of our guarantee!

Quality residents in 21 days (or less) or we keep searching—while you pay less.

Ready to learn more about our leasing services?

Leasing Services

Our Leasing & Rent Guarantee

Property Owners Don't Suffer When a Resident Leaves Early
Sometimes, residents need to break a lease early. Whether it's due to military deployment, job relocation, or a health issue, there are several legal reasons why a resident might need to end a lease early and move out of your rental property.

In other scenarios, a resident disappears or needs to be removed from the property for violating the lease agreement. Regardless of the reasons, property owners should not suffer a financial loss to replace a resident who can't complete a full lease term.

An Unexpected Vacancy Can Be Expensive

Without property management, an unexpected end to a lease creates a significant (and potentially expensive) problem. If you aren't prepared with a new resident to move in when an unexpected vacancy happens, you lose money until you can find a qualified resident to sign a new lease.

HBR Rentals never wants a property owner to be on the losing end of a broken lease. You depend on residents to complete a full 12-month lease term. Keeping your property occupied with residents who fulfill their lease agreement is one of the key components of generating the income you need from your investment properties!

Our Leasing & Rent Guarantee Helps Property Owners Recover

We stand by our services when placing residents! However, we can't predict if or when a resident will leave a property before the end of their lease. That's where our Leasing & Rent Guarantee comes in!

Here's how it works:

  • HBR guarantees a tenancy for 12 months.
  • HBR will release the home with no leasing fee if we place a resident who moves out early.

That's right! If we screen and place a resident who can't (or won't) complete their lease term, we'll find a new quality resident at no charge to our property owner.

Communication & Satisfaction Guarantee

We Want You to Be Happy With Our Services
Satisfaction and communication are critical elements of a profitable property management and property owner relationship. If you expect the peak results we promise, you need to experience those results from our efforts to do our job well for you.

That's why we offer our Communication & Satisfaction Guarantee! It covers two vital components of keeping property owners happy and profitable.

What Is Our Satisfaction Guarantee?

We know we won't always be the right fit for every property owner. As hard as we'll work to help every property owner experience peak results, sometimes not everything works to an owner's satisfaction.

That's okay! While we never like to admit defeat, sometimes it's time to say goodbye. HBR Rentals wants property owners to be happy with our services, and we won't penalize you for leaving to find happiness elsewhere.

It's okay to be honest with us! Our Satisfaction Guarantee means:

  • If you are unsatisfied with our services, you can cancel with no penalty.
  • We require a 30-day notice to process and prepare your properties to leave our services.

No hard feelings! We want you to be happy, whether it's with our services or not. We guarantee that you'll love us, or we'll part ways without any penalty.

What Is Our Communication Guarantee?

Good communication helps HBR Rentals provide the best property management services in Tracy! Part of keeping property owners happy is being available and responding promptly to resident or property owner inquiries and requests.

With our Communication Guarantee:

  • If an owner or resident calls, texts, or emails us during the business week/day, we will respond within 24 business hours.
  • HBR Rentals will waive management fees for that month if we fail to meet that timeframe.

Response Time Guarantee

More info coming soon!